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British Values at Birchwood

At Birchwood Community High School we embrace the British values of:


  • democracy

  • the rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.


At BCHS we promote the British Values through our spiritual, moral and cultural education, which permeates through the school’s curriculum and supports the development of the whole child. This development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by everyone in our school community and provides a positive model of behaviour for our learners and students.


Our aim is to develop well-rounded and reflective learners who can confidently move forward from school to become positive role models and excellent citizens, demonstrating respect and tolerance in their local and national communities.


Our curriculum encourages our learners to celebrate diversity, challenges stereotypes and addresses issues such as discrimination and prejudice in society as a whole.


The curriculum followed in Ethics, Philosophy and Religion (EPR) supports the development of each learner’s sense of identity, self-worth and ability to be insightful; developing awareness of their own and others’ principles, values and beliefs, both religious and non-religious.


The EPR curriculum is reinforced by visiting speakers who support themes through the Worship programme and at other times during the school year.


At Key Stage 4 all learners undertake a GCSE in Religious Education. Our results for the RE GCSE show a trend of positive achievement and are above the national average.


The curriculum reinforces the importance of spiritual development by including speakers who present new ideas and represent organisations that are motivated by faith, or a will to make a positive contribution, for example local ministers and representatives from other community organisations.


Our PDC programme is well-structured and supports our learners in developing a variety of personal and citizenship skills. As soon as they join us Year 7 learners cover topics including Rules, Fairness and Responsibilities and Communities & Identities. The PDC programme encourages our learners to become self-aware and show sensitivity to the needs of others.


During form time in the morning learners watch BBC Newsround, covering a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues for further discussion and consideration.


Our ‘Thought for the Day’ follows a theme for the week. This is displayed on notice boards in form rooms and on the plasma screens around the school and college and promotes reflection and moral debate.


The Gay and Lesbian Youth Support Service (GLYSS) Warrington works with all Year 7 and 8 learners to address issues of Homophobia and during LGBT Month learners support in the delivery of assemblies and other awareness raising events. Incidents of racism/homophobia are low in our school community.


Our Peer Mentoring scheme encourages learners to become mutually supportive. Learners who volunteer to be part of the scheme undergo training to give support and guidance to any younger learner who needs it.  


Our learners take part in a whole range of community projects including raising funds for events such as Children in Need and Sport Comic Relief. They also support local charities such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. Closer to home, they have raised funds to create a memorial garden at school and in recent years our Harvest Celebration has supported the work of the Warrington Foodbank through donations of needed food items by learners, students and staff.


We have a strong partnership with Groenberg Secondary School in South Africa with regular exchanges which are extremely beneficial on both sides with learners from both schools learning from each other, creating a climate of mutual respect and friendship.



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